Developer Tools

I don’t know who needs to hear this but: I love my developer tools.


I was using a multiplexer (tmux) for years but colour issues forced me to switch to Zellij. I then switched from Alacritty and Zellij to using Warp as my terminal (helping to consolidate the number of tools I needed to install and configure) as Warp provided a lot of what I was using Zellij for. My switch to Warp also meant I could drop support for FZF as Warp provided fuzzy searching my history, while fd (see below) allowed me to easily locate files. But after a year of using Warp I moved to ghostty and back to using fzf (as it’s just so awesome). I then used the ‘split pane’ feature in Ghostty while using the built-in floating terminal in Neovim for project-by-project development (which was better than a single hotkey overlay terminal that Warp provided, as I wasn’t interested in going back to a multiplexer like tmux or zellij).


  • Code Statistics: Tokei
  • DNS Client: Dog
  • Directory Lister: Tree
  • Directory Navigator: Broot
  • Directory Switcher: Zoxide
  • Disk Usage: Duf
  • Feed Reader: Tuifeed
  • File Content Display: Bat
  • File Finder: Fd
  • File Lister: Exa
  • File Removal: Rip
  • File Space Usage: Dust
  • Network Reachability: Gping
  • Network Utilisation: Bandwhich
  • Process Status: Procs
  • Process/System Monitor: Htop
  • Shell: Zsh
  • Shell Autocomplete: Fig
  • Shell Prompt: Starship

† I had switched to Bottom but htop is just so much more flexible and configurable, and although the graphs in btm are nice I just don’t need them.


Controversial, but I had started to move away from Firefox with a whole suite of security/privacy minded tools to Apple’s Safari browser.

I was using Safari’s “Tab Group” feature, which I really liked along with the following extensions…

  • AdBlock One
  • Dark Reader for Safari
  • SimplyJSON for Safari
  • Super Agent for Safari (Cookie Consent Automation)

…but ultimately the Tab Groups feature ended up being super buggy and duplicating bookmarks and groups etc and I couldn’t get the issue resolved, so I ended up back with Google Chrome.